I'm just eating up tender moments like this between my oldest
daughter (big A) and my little guy (little A) |
In my last post "tough transitions" I said I was taking a little break and would be back in the fall... that was in the spring of 2012... so I'm just a year late. Its been a rough year though. that fall, when I should have been writing more I was laying in bed with multiples tubes in my body. I found out I was pregnant (yea!) in August of last year and by September I was so sick I wasn't able to keep any food or liquid down. So from late September until my son was born in April I was on IV therapy and had a feeding tube. So, you'll forgive me if I wasn't able to do much. Now, seven months after the birth of my boy I think I'm finally starting to feel somewhat normal. I lost/quit my day job due to the sickness and since we were planning on me staying home after the birth anyways I get to relish time with my munchkins during the day and indulge my creative soul by night.

So anyways, its good to be back! I'm starting to add things to my shop again and business is picking up for the holiday season. I'm really excited for 2014, my life should continue to normalize and I've got some really fun stuff planned for both my blog (philosophical, creative and random) and my shop (mostly ceramic and linen) so keep checking back. It really has been a tough transition but everything has turned out okay!
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